My part time job is shoes shop. The shop is
ABC-MART. There is this shop in the whole country. There is the shop which I
commit in Nagamine. The shop is famous. I started the shop staff in last
November. First I didn’t often understand the work, so I have to remember the
work. The work uses my physical strength. I must always run. I always must
carry products. I am tired well and return. The work doesn’t only wait on
customers. The staff must study about management and the shoes of the product. It
was very often difficult, but I did not suffer a time to learn it. I began to
work, and 8 mouths passed. I got experienced in this work. Therefore, this work
is very fun. The work best at me is waiting on customers in the work. The place
on work has an understanding to students. I would like to continue this work from now
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